
i have been doing more wondering about transparency. often things happen for a reasons that i can’t see until later. it’s like i have to peel away the layers to get to the understanding of what was really happening when i misjudged it to be something else. like the milkweed plant in the back yard.

you would hardly guess that those tiny little polygonal flowers would turn into big puffed out hairy balls and then split open to send seeds out on the breath of a breeze, floating upward in gravity defying flight. a few succommed to gravity and landed in the pond where they seemingly danced on water with the sky reflected beneath their myriad feet.

but usually there was a hint, a seed, a knowingness of some kind that i chose to overlook or just accept in the hope that it would pass or that i was possibly wrong. but i have found that mostly my intuition has served me well. it has in fact even saved my life on one occasion when i really paid attention. i’m paying more attention again. and keeping better company.

speaking of good company, Art Unraveled was good company and i had a chance to meet many new folks there. the vendor day was fun and a pleasure to see many unique artists that don’t pop up everywhere. a real treat.
we had a colorful time in the dye workshop and even did a quickie indigo vat. all the participants were new to dyeing and were quite happy to get their introduction using the colorhue dyes. they learned about various types of silk fabrics and had a chance to see how each type dyed. we made moons together and now i have more moon friends!

after the event was over i had a little time before the drive home to relax and enjoy catching up on my favorite blogs and online haunts. i noticed jude had been busy inspiring others to join her magic feather project so with a needle close at hand i joined in…

and in the end a beautiful sunset entertained us on the drive back home through arizona and california deserts. my, it was hot!

7 thoughts on “noticing

    1. shiborigirl Post author

      yes, happy. i am paying more attention to keeping a good balance between solitary studio work and going out into the world. both are necessary for me it seems. i like to engage with the creativity inside my fellow humans.


  1. suellap Suella Postles

    I’ve had a play with indigo before. However I’ve never made moons. What technique are you using here. Is it stitch or frrezer paper? Or some other sort of resist?

    I am a subscriber, and am confused with the logging in process

    many thanks,
    Suella Postles


  2. shiborigirl Post author

    just basic itajime. and not sure what you mean about logging in…you do not have to log in here unless you have signed up for an online class with me…then you will have received the password via email.



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