Tag Archives: jaron lanier

“What makes a market work

, for instance, is the marriage of collective and individual intelligence.” Jaron Lanier

From his book, ” You are not a Gadget”. Part one- What is a Person?

I am reading this simultaneously with Dr. Junichi Saga’s “Memories of Silk and Straw”.

An interesting juxtaposition.

Listening to Steel Parade perform by the ocean, waves in the background.
We are indeed, fortunate.

Tomorrow, back to the dyepot.

I am not your aggregate

..or maybe that is all I am. At least to Google and Facebook.
Some days I want to opt out completely, to scream “I am not an aggregate of anything!” but then I realize that I still have to keep a roof over my head, food on the table and the lights on. I want to use technology- not have it use me. Is this even possible anymore?

Oh good grief- there she goes again, you might be thinking now. All you wanted was a quick trip into shiboriland or a little visit to the dyepot with some pretty pictures and a little inspiration to start the day with. But here you are. So with that in mind, I offer up a couple of pretty pictures and a word or two.

some recent work- itajime indigo on handwoven hemp and some silk gauze arashi shibori

-AND the option to get out now while you still can. Or as Flickr likes to say “Take me to the kittens!” (i’ve always liked those kittens!)

~~~well, if you are still here~~~
Jason Lanier believes it takes about 10 years for us to give up an idea we are attached to.
I’m inclined to agree. And that’s if we are really trying! He also has some pretty interesting insights into technology-where it started and where it may be going. To some he may sound negative or cynical but I can feel his optimism if we truly are willing to look at the bigger picture.

An idea that turns out to be wrong which we have attached ourselves to and have allowed to shape the ways in which we go about our daily lives is indeed a very hard thing to let go of.

Patience is required not only with others but with ourselves in order to move forward. I am in the process now of discovering that some of the ideas to which I have attached myself to in the past are simply no longer true- that they simply do not fit the paradigm in which I find myself existing. The problem I am having with this is that I’m not sure I have a new idea with which to replace the old one. It’s difficult to leave that space blank but usually that is really the answer for the moment- to just leave the space open and see what comes next.
Technology and the internet are changing so quickly anymore that I often find myself at odds with it and wondering if I am using it wisely.

It seems to me that certain basic truths are becoming more eclipsed by all the layers of busyness which I succumb to in my daily life. Eclipse as a metaphor. More on that later.

I am in the process of reorganizing a number of things-one of them is my virtual self. If you use my personal facebook page as a way of connecting to my blog, please consider becoming part of my studio page. I am in the process of clearing up my personal page and limiting it to those who I regularly connect with on a personal basis. I hope no one will take offense at this. It is also going to allow me to separate my shibori/art/craft/dyeing posts to the studio page and not bore the rest of my friends and family with all that stuff unless they specifically ask to be included by joining in over there. Less duplication and interruption. At least this is the intention. We’ll see how it goes.

If you are a regular reader here, you also know I am working on something different in the way of a subscription video series. Many thanks to those of you who have subscribed- expect to receive your link via email on Wednesday afternoon (PST). I am looking forward to welcoming you into the studio.

Change is in the air it seems. I am surrounded by it. Schools are getting back in session, seasons changing. Lots of changing energies. Fall, it seems, is upon us.

The madness has passed, at least for now. Back to the studio.