Cloudy Skies

Last months moon circle utilized a form of shibori known as murakumo or cloudy shibori. This is a form that I have utilized to make my “cloudy skies” fabric not knowing the name of this technique- in fact, thinking I made made it up!  😂 Such folly! In any case, there are many ways to create such fabric by creating an irregular pattern on the cloth by compressing the cloth in different ways. It was a particularly appropriate technique for the month of May as it has been cloudy every single day and now even into June. I’m not complaining… the heat will be here soon enough.

While I was making the moons for the moon circle, I had a discharge solution going for a ribbon order for France. I made use of it and did a series of moons utilizing both the murakumo shibori fabric and the discharge solution that resulted in some very interesting moons. I made sets of them available in the shop.

So in this case, the fabric was dyed in the murakumo technique (compressing the fabric while gathered in between two metal grill pieces and dyed) and then using itajime technique, it was further subjected to the discharge bath.
I have posted moon sets of three here in the shop. Please note that each set is unique and the images shown are representative of what you will receive.

I also have restocked the indigo in three shades here. I know that many ask for this fabric for projects and I was dyeing some for a custom order so added these to the shop while I was at it.

Every day the garden reminds me… to notice, to wonder, and that observing beauty in our lives makes us better. While looking at flowers in the garden, I realize I have been missing making my silk shibori flowers. I really do enjoy making them. Next time…

As for the wall- I am going to paint something there. Not anything elaborate (’cause I want to finish it!) but something relaxing that fits in the “garden-scape”. I’m thinking greens and greys, shadows and leaves….

I’m picking cucumber, tomatoes, eggplant , and swiss chard at the moment. Lots more tomatoes to come. Also melons and potatoes. I just pulled the garlic and it’s drying at the moment. Next year I will plant more. It’s never enough!

And if this isn’t enough, I am gathering folks for the 2025 Silk Study Tour to Japan. Please sign up to receive info on this here and check the SST 2025 option to receive newsletters related to the tour. Those who participate might want to extend their stay to attend the World Expo in Osaka. I am going looking forward to this as the last time I attended a World Expo was Expo ’70 in Osaka. I was 13. My memories of it are magical.

Also, you might enjoy this post about The Floating World by Hiroko Yoda and the reality of it versus the fantasy that is often depicted of it. I first read about this in a post by Kjeld Duits where he told the story of the Yoshiwara district and the Great Keio Fire that engulfed this area due to its layout and single entrance/exit. I also recently watched the series Shogun and it sparked my interest in Osaka where I will visit next year.

I recently learned that a very long time reader and customer here had passed away. This is always a very sad event for me. Anna in Tampa passed away in October of 2021 at the age of 90. My many many emails to her had gone unanswered so I began to investigate and I found her obituary. We shared many private emails over the years and she was a frequent commenter here on the blog and is missed. She was full of good wisdom. Namaste Anna. (she always ended her emails with namaste).

I will do another post in a couple of days outlining the upcoming workshops as well as the application for the 2025 tour. I’m working on those now. There is a lot to update and I need to spend some time with it.

8 thoughts on “Cloudy Skies

    1. shiborigirl Post author

      The pods are so otherworldly. I understand some people dry them for arrangements. I’m just collecting seeds but might try drying some. Thanks for the moon love!


  1. Nancy

    Gosh your garden flowers are so lush and pretty. I look forward to seeing the ‘wall’ with its new look.

    My sympathies on the passing of a long time reader/friend here on the blog. May her memory be a blessing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. shiborigirl Post author

      One thing I missed was the start of persimmons fruiting. Will try a kakishibu broth again and see how it goes. I read on botanical colors just today that if you put an eggplant in the stew, it prevents the liquid from congealing. Never heard that before!
      The flowers will fade within the month although I am trying to keep the alstroemerias going thru the summer.


    1. shiborigirl Post author

      Yes, I really notice it when I see old posts pop up with replies from friends who have passed on. I’m grateful to be able to remember them this way.
      The flowers will fade when it heats up here and summer will resume in the garden. I leave a lot of the cornflowers until the bitter end as the finches love eating the seeds.


  2. taichi2012

    I enjoyed my moons this month–is this the last month for moons? It was nice to get a smaller moon also. Will you be having any on-line workshops or projects –for those who cannot come to California.

    I have so many wonderful memories of the Silk Study Tour in 2011–and have kept in touch with one special person–Nat–from Australia. Janet Wright San Juan Island Wa.



be in touch and wonder~

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