Wonder up, not down

I am seeking to set a mood in my life this coming year. The mood is peaceful, healthy, green (my favorite color!),  with blurred edges mostly (but with some straight lines and hard edges for structure). I will fight when necessary, keeping the path in focus through all times.

If I seek to change something in or about the world around me…I will think of this quote:

“The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.”
                                                                                          –Paul Coelho

Additionally,  I will remind myself that to recognize life’s beauty is a gift, to share it a treasure. I will seek treasure.

Wonder up- not down.

It’s been a belief of mine that we need more wonder in the world. We need it now more than ever.  Apparently, Socrates said, “Wonder is the beginning of wisdom.” I looked it up and it has been argued that this was actually said by Aristotle, or even Plato as he was interpreting Socrates’ ideas on the matter. Another interpretation yields this- “Wisdom begins in wonder“. No matter who said it, when or where , it is a timeless thought, don’t you think? The Greek word “filosofia” means “lover of wisdom” as in philosophy.

So, I will continue to seek wisdom through wonder. To ask the question- “what if?”

Turning the page now…see you on the other side.
Love, enjoy, wonder-


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9 thoughts on “Wonder up, not down

  1. Anna Gaginskaya

    “*Wisdom begins in wonder*” Thank you and Happy New Year!

    2017-01-01 8:28 GMT+04:00 Shibori Girl :

    > shiborigirl posted: “I am seeking to set a mood in my life this coming > year. The mood is peaceful, healthy, green (my favorite color!), with > blurred edges mostly (but with some straight lines and hard edges > for structure). I will fight when necessary, keeping the path in foc” >

    Liked by 1 person


be in touch and wonder~

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