Studio update… music too!

No philosophical waxings today, just a studio update and some thanks to give to several folks who have taken time out to lend me a hand or two. First, I’m in the process of finishing off a new website. Put it together over the weekend since for some reason I added the URL for Shibori Girl Studios to my article in the current issue of Belle Armoire. I am still wondering why I think I might need a website when I have the blog (like I need one more thing to do! checking the mirror now to see if more holes have developed in my head.) Anyone with the answer to this question please feel fee to leave a comment.

Anyway, the website ( is up and while a couple of the pages still need content at least readers of the article don’t land on a blank page and can from there be directed here to the blog and an array of other places to find me. I think the website will serve me when I need to send someone to see some of my product -especially for wholesale purposes- and are not interested in reading my musings. I have no intention- at this time anyway- to turn it into a shopping cart site. I leave that to Etsy and the other online retailers of the ribbon. My thanks on this goes to Darlene of Shibori Borealis who makes fabulous silk shibori veils for belly dancing among other things. She was kind enough to run my site through a google ap and point out some errors as well as some enhancements that needed to be fixed. Thank you Dar!! you can find her on her blog as well asher Etsy shop. Amazing the friends you can make online and on FB. One day I’d like to have one big backyard BBQ with all of you and meet you face to face!

Another thanks goes to Tristan (older son-20) who helped me navigate the iWeb program to get it up so quickly. It (iWeb) is a very easy program to use (I was previously using Dreamweaver) but you know how it is when you are used to one program and have to jump into another. A pain. So he did the research on looking everything up that I had a question about if he didn’t already know the answer- YAY! A big help. Still working on a few things. He had just finished off a new website for one of his bands (From Cities to Oceans). Check it out here.

He’s still got a few things to tweak on this one too but all in good time…
Here’s something for you- the first 4 people who leave a comment on this post and want a free download promo code to your choice of one of the songs on this page– I’ll email it to you! You can also hear short clips of three songs as well as purchase the whole album there.

Out to the studio now to work on ribbon- adding some new colors to the lineup, dyeing some favorites, and updating the color cards. Shibori pics to follow soon. Also new workshop announcements. By the way, the Houston workshop is full. If you really want to get in to it you will have to get on a waiting list and hope for a cancellation or check the bulletin board on site for “classes for sale”.

Colorful silk shibori ribbon- take me away!

1 thought on “Studio update… music too!

  1. jude

    you sound very organized…
    the website looks great. i think it is good to have one as a showpiece. it is great to have help too. a very confusing task when it comes to the details.



be in touch and wonder~

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