Forging a path in the right direction

  1. The week here is ending on a very satisfying note. After a friendly reader of this blog alerted me to the misuse of one of my images, action was taken and a letter sent out to the Farnsworth Museum in Maine who had appropriated the image to promote a shibori workshop they were holding.  I asked for financial remuneration as well as a public apology and am receiving both. (The caption under my image has been added as part of the solution and is now allowed to remain as a reminder.)

This image originally appeared here on the blog in February of 2012 during a workshop with RIchard Carbin and is also part of our joint online (password protected) Indigo Mandala Online Workshop.

After several very professional and cordial emails back and forth, the Farnsworth Museum has agreed to all my requests and has taken complete responsibility for the oversight.  Beyond that, it has taken the opportunity to evaluate and change its procedures regarding the trusting acceptance of images provided by hired instructors. This is the way for us to find a path back to where we need to be in regards to copyright violations.  Policies need to change. This is the true path.

This was only one of several images for classes used by this instructor that did not represent her own work.

Instructors who present themselves as something they are not need to be held accountable.  I think we all want to trust that what is sent to us for publication is in fact true and honest. These days we can’t count on that and need to have policies in place to guide instructors and employees about copyright issues.  Art ethics should be part of every art degree given.  Let’s step up to this goal.

I highly commend the actions and attitude of the Farnsworth Museum in the resolution of this matter. Thank you to all who participated here by taking the poll.  It is clear that we want change.

17 thoughts on “Forging a path in the right direction

    1. shiborigirl Post author

      it is a relief. many have this problem and don’t take action. it is the only way i can see to change things for the betterment of us all. and more importantly, it led to learning, to change and no lawyers were involved! what a concept!

      Liked by 2 people

  1. theindigophile

    I’m glad it worked all out Glennis! This is such a wake up call for those of us who implicitly ‘trust’ people when they share photos/imagery with us for publishing! Need to ensure double / triple checks henceforth!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Suzi Drew

    I have great admiration for the way you responded to this situation & the way the museum has dealt with this problem. You have raised awareness for people who do not think through the consequences of their actions when as you have said it is no secret that copywrite is there for everyone to safe guard their work and livelihood.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Jess

    I grew up visiting this museum, and I briefly worked there as a teenager. I’ve always held the place close to my heart. I’m glad this went well.
    As much as I’d like to take a hands- on class, however, I’d be concerned about taking one from someone who doesn’t promote their own work in the ad.
    Take care, Glennis; your work is beautiful. I hope you can relax a bit now.



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