wondering leads down new paths… and back again

It’s true, my blogging sabbatical is over.  It was never really “official”, whatever that means, but in the 9 months in which I haven’t blogged here I have been missing it.  Missing you, those of you who don’t partake in the flurry of other social media offerings.

What exactly do I miss about it?  I miss the wordier, more thoughtful, slower pace of writing a blog post as opposed to the quick quip on Facebook or a clever (maybe) image on Instagram.  If I want to give myself a sorry excuse, I will say I have been very busy these past months. I am quite thankful for that as there have been times when I wondered…financially speaking, if continuing was the way to go.  But being my persistent self, yes, once again persistence was the way.

Often over the past nine months I have thought- “Oh!  I should blog about that.”  Then I let it be and carried on in my work and the moment passed.  (Sometimes for the better I will admit.)

Blogging is more like a homemade meal, often with ingredients right out of your own garden. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and the rest are more akin to a fast food joint- you’re in and you’re out. Things can happen in fits and bits.  That is what I have noticed.  And while I work out in the dye studio I can keep up with all that on my phone in a staccato-like way.  I can even throw up a photo ever so easily as I work.(Squirrelly Gurl says Hello!) Throw out a comment or two, commiserate, cheer on, congratulate, and send birthday wishes to people (some of whom I actually know!)  But in the end,  it’s the words and thoughts I miss.  Expression in a different form.

So, even if you can only stop in for a home cooked meal every now and then, come on by- I’ll be here stirring the pot a bit.

Some images from 2014 on your way out, great thanks to all who were a part of it- enjoy, create and wonder!!  We need more wonder in the world…

19 thoughts on “wondering leads down new paths… and back again

  1. stitchingweaver

    welcome back
    i don’t do all those other ways of communicating. blogging/email is too much now. so glad to see you again


  2. Alice

    Beautiful photos!! I haven’t blogged in six weeks and it gets easier and easier not to! I like your analogy of homemade as fast food! Facebook is a very easy blurb and then move on!

    Have a good day! I’ll check on your homemade meal!!

    Alice fraizer

    Folk Art Primitives

    Liked by 1 person

    1. shiborigirl Post author

      i’ve kept up with taking photos but more on my phone these days instead of the ol’ Nikon as when I do, it seems i dont get around to transferring and editing them! and as for food, the garden is good as we have had precious rain.


    1. shiborigirl Post author

      i finally ordered additional PPP poles to take on the uptick in work and after spending a fortune on them they weren’t “working” for the first wrapping. figured out they had some sort of weird coating on them that a wiping down of alcohol and a spraying of silicone took care of. phew!


  3. Beadelicious

    I love the reference to a meal. The texture, feel, and sumptuous colors of the ribbon truly feed my spirit and imagination. Glad to add your voice to my day.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. shiborigirl Post author

      that is a big part of what i love about the ribbon-that it has reached out to so many people. i knew it would…just had to be persistent and have patience. thank you!



be in touch and wonder~

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