it’s compleaticated…

yes, i just made up that word.  it seems to fit things so well right now.

see, i told you-compleaticated.

i’m still taking signups for the in-studio arashi workshop.  i’m starting to think it is a difficult time of year to do this class.  my calendar and yours might not mesh.  holidays and all- not to mention the $.  ah yes…$.

but nontheless, i am am having an arashi obsession these days- more than most. there are a whole bunch of pieces on the poles waiting their turn to be overdyed and steamed and dried.  i can’t wait to get them off and see what they say to me.  the previous pieces were the test/prototype pieces.  they told me what needed to be done next.  that is how i prefer to work. to listen, to practice. looking inward and not out of my realm.

but the poles had to wait and yesterday boxes arrived from WA , were unpacked, sorted, and repacked for TX.  the indigo workshop is filled and yesterday the fabric packs for it were assembled-

i put a lot of thought into these workshop kits.  a lot of time.  i select fabrics that will teach you to pay attention to them and allow you to leave the workshop wondering…what if?

i am looking forward to seeing new faces and meeting up with old friends. katrina, maggie, virginia, jennifer, and more.

speaking of friends, i made some new friends in the workshop in Longbranch.  it was great fun and while the workshop was focused on shibori techniques on silk with the colorhue dyes, i couldn’t *resist* bringing some indigo which was enjoyed by all.  while i was there, i had the absolute thrill of meeting up with an old friend i haven’t seen or communicated with until recently.  we met up and visited our old homes. we originally lived in Gig Harbor until we moved to Japan in ’65 and we hadn’t seen each other since the 3rd grade.

can you find me?

-and here we are at the same place (her old house) just about 50 years later. What a trip.  So fun sharing memories.  At the same time, I missed the Yo-Hi (school chums from Japan!) reunion back in SoCal but will make up for that later.  On FB we are connecting.  AND, schoolgirl friends from St. Maur in Yokohama are reconnecting as well.  We are truly international. Plans are in the making.

And just an update on another subject. The textile studio in Canada recently sent me a note telling me they had removed the classes in question and additionally asked the member to resign.  I want to thank them for making a decision to join us in being part of the solution to what I see as a march to mediocrity in concert with deception and fraud.  Thank you very much! Now we can move past this whole mess.


I think it’s time to harvest the indigo seeds.  Seeds are always a good place to begin.  The day before yesterday it was raining rainbows… rainbows to the west, double rainbows in the east. And buckets and buckets of rain. Imagine rainbow raindrops…splashing down, coloring the world with hope and intention! What could possibly grow from THAT?

seeds from the apple krina and i picked and ate from the old apple tree in the donkey pasture where we used to play.  i wonder….

life…it’s compleaticated.

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