Akemashite omedetou (あけましておめでとう)

(happy new year!)
beginning with an open mind which we all have-a skylike mind. A new mind, a new year. a new beginning. a childlike mind. looking upward.
looking beyond boundaries, beyond categories
-just beyond.
looking, seeing, and best of all-wondering.
welcome to 2012!

a visual “lookback” of this past here at shiborigirl…

the pH of tears

goodbye moon...and tigga

textile therapy

wendy's children


makiage indigo on cotton

beauty within

indigo mokume shibori on cotton

the moon has followed me here

frolicking in blue

aiko while gathering sansai...

see on through…

trans boro window covering-indigo


circa 1969

post indigo blues

trans boro window covering-indigo

time has arrived

capsule hotel for silkworms


sacred stitch

sacred stitch

and finally, many thanks to all of you here-the community that stops in every now and then to visit, to add a word or two, to agree or disagree-to contribute something thoughtful or just to silently pass through.
may we all continue on in whatever way we do…happy new year!

12 thoughts on “Akemashite omedetou (あけましておめでとう)

  1. Janet

    A great blue year – here’s hoping for another! I enjoyed seeing your silk worms and sharing that with my son. Also like seeing snippets from Japan. Love your process photos – esp. those that look like sea creatures on the rocks – those are great! Thanks and Happy New Year!



be in touch and wonder~

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